Prónay Castle complimentary hospitality visit for BCCH partners

Prónay Castle complimentary hospitality visit for BCCH partners

Prónay Castle invites you to a BCCH-backed event, held in the beautiful Prónay Castle in Alsopetény. Be our guest for a delicious dinner, taste our unique wine and take part in our castle tour, free of charge. The offer is specifically aimed at PR and marketing specialists within BCCH’s membership.

Venue: Prónay Kastély – Alsópetény, Kossuth Lajos út 34, 2617
Date: September 23, 2022

Six Nations Rugby doubleheader at Marriott

Date: February 8 2020, 14:30-20:00 Venue: Marriott Hotel Budapest (1052 Apáczai Csere János u. 4) Dear members, friends and rugby fans, We invite all of you to a day out at the Marriott Budapest to watch another emblematic European sporting event...

BCCH Christmas Party 2019

Date: 10 December 2019, 18:00-21:00 Venue: Corinthia Budapest (1073, Erzsébet Körút 43-49) Dear members, associates, friends of the Chamber The British Chamber of Commerce in Hungarykindly invites you to our annual Christmas Party...