Dear Members and friends,
We would like to invite you to a morning breakfast seminar concerning the upcoming whistleblowing regulation held in cooperation with our members VJT & Partners, sponsored by and held at fellow BCCH member EST Grand Hotel Savoy.

Based on the main pillars of the EU whistleblowing directive a new whistleblowing regulation was adopted in Hungary. At the event, our experts from VJT & Partners – Dr. Andrea Belényi and Dr. Zoltán Csernus – will hold informative presentations highlighting which companies are concerned by the new regulation and will cover the novelties introduced by the new rules and the practical aspects of building such systems.

They will also discuss the essential contribution whistleblowing systems make to company operation and how whistleblowers can make similarly important strides towards detecting and preventing corporate wrongdoing as well as cover the possible outcomes of internal whistleblowing investigations. Further to the above, another interesting question to be discussed is how can a whistleblowing system change or influence company culture.

Companies can offer a variety of anonymous reporting channels, independent advice, confidentiality with management and protection against reprisals. In fact, potential whistleblowers only use whistleblowing systems if they feel they can trust the contact persons involved and effect change.

These topics and much more promise a valuable opportunity for you to gain a thorough understanding of the forthcoming whistleblowing regulations and how they may impact your organization.


  • Date: 28 June 2023
  • Time: 9:00 am
  • Location: EST Grand Hotel Savoy (Budapest, József krt. 16, 1085)

A business breakfast will be served at the event courtesy of our hosts.

The event is free of charge for every interested party, but attendance is subject to registration and as available spots are limited, priority registration is given to BCCH Members and VJT & Partners’ invitees.

We are looking forward to seeing you with breakfast and an informative discussion on this highly-topical issue.


Register here