Join us at one of our classiest sports events to date, the Royal Ascot Meeting on June 24, 2023 at the Hilton Castle Budapest!

We are thoroughly delighted to announce we are returning to British horse racing’s crown jewel event the Royal meeting at Ascot, with His Majesty’s Ambassador to Hungary Mr Paul Fox in attendance. Our day at the gorgeous Hilton Castle starts at 1:30 pm on June 24, with a fashion show before the final day’s first race and lasts through the day’s most important races until 6:00 pm.

At the event we will feature a number of exclusive programmes, including a gorgeous hat fashion show, courtesy of Hajnalka Tórizs Head Couture, a charity betting competition for unique prizes, with all proceeds going to the Tábitha Ház charity. Asides all that we will also have a hat booth where you can buy yourself one of the magnificent creations exhibited in the fashion show and ample amounts of the quintessential British Summer favourite Pimm’s courtesy of Diageo. Canapés and other drinks will also be served at the event, courtesy of our hosts Hilton Budapest.

To get you in the Royal Ascot spirit, we urge everyone to dress like you would to the actual Ascot and reward the best headpiece. There is no horse racing without betting either, so we are also organising a small competition with all proceeds going to charity and the most successful players being rewarded with a variety of desirable prizes. If you wish to participate in the charity betting, please bring some cash with you to the event.

Of course there would be no event without the generosity of our sponsors, Perisia Consulting, Antempus, AACM Central Europe and British Council Hungary, all of whom have made invaluable contributions to the Ascot’s success, alongside a long list of raffle sponsors – Brudi Golf Shop, Dr Rose Private Hospital, Barbara Leber, Berlinger Haus, Kempinski Hotel, Zwack, PizzaMe, and Danubius Group meaning all you need to do is come and enjoy.

Date: June 24, 2023
Time: 13:30-18:00
Venue: Hilton Castle Budapest, 1014 Hess András tér 1-3

Admission fees (including VAT):
For BCCH members: 20,000 HUF
For non-members: 25,000 HUF


  • 13:15 – Registration opens
  • 13:30 – Event starts – Opening speeches by BCCH Chairman Duncan Graham and HMA Mr Paul Fox
  • 14:00 – Fashion show courtesy of Hajnalka Torizs Head Couture
  • 15:00 – Royal Procession
  • 15:30 – First race of the day – Chesham Stakes
  • 16:05 – The Jersey Stakes
  • 16:40 – The Hardwicke Stakes
  • 17:20 – Marquee race of the day – The Queen Elizabeth II Stakes
  • 18:00 – Event finishes

The Royal Ascot is a multi-event meeting, synonymous with the Ascot Racecourse and the oldest of its kind in Britain, with its roots tracing back to 1768. Some of the cups presented have been ran continously since the early 19th century, predating the likes of Wimbledon or the FA Cup by well over half a century. We will join in for the last day of the 5-day meeting on Saturday, as the day’s programme will feature four races including the esteemed Queen Elizabeth II Stakes and the over 200 years old Wokingham Stakes. Waiting at the door for everyone will be a pair of hussars, for a nice photo opportunity and to underline the mix of Hungarian and British the BCCH has always been known for.

Since all so often the success of these beloved events depend a lot on our members’ generosity, we would be more than grateful if you could contribute as a sponsor. If you wish to join us by offering your support, please see the sponsorship agreement for details or send us a message at


Register here

Our Partners for the event:

Our prizes were provided by: