Menedzserszövetség’s acclaimed Mentor Programmes return for 2022!

Our friends at Menedzserszövetség have been running the Future Manager Mentor Programme, the largest-scale mentorship programme in Hungary for the past 3 years, with a team consisting of about 40 mentors and mentees each, earning a reputation as a valuable and extremely useful activity over time. This year’s programme is starting with 30 mentors, more than half of them fresh to the initiative, meaning even more fresh ideas and up to date directions, not to mention the prestige their presence brings.

Since the previous years’ Mentor Programmes had considerable reach amongst more experienced mentees and received sevaral applicants over the age of 40, this year Menedzserszövetség created the MasterClass Program to run parallell to the original Future Manager ptogramme, filling the gap next to it.

You can find out more information about the programmes via the links below (in Hungarian) and register until the June 15 deadline.

Jövő Menedzsere 6.0

MasterClass 1.0

The programmes start at the end of June and end on 15 September. If you register to the programme, you will be put in touch with your mentor and receive further information in the coming weeks.