The HBLF invites CEOs of Hungarian companies, to join HBLF’s 2022 special Women’s Day initiative. According to the plans, 100 company’s common exhibition will be displayed, to raise awareness about the topic of female representation in leadership.
Today, among the TOP 50 companies in Hungary with the highest turnover, there’s only 8% female CEOs. In accordance with HBLF’s mission we believe that by uniting our forces we will become stronger, and will have a greater impact on the changes that are needed to give a chance to women in leading positions.
Participants are welcome on the 4th of March between 7 and 10am at our outdoor event. The placeholder will be shared following registration.
To be able to make a change, we first need to change our point of view. This will be symbolized by an interactive installation that represents the number 8 at the beginning, but with common will/force, it can be changed to an infinity sign. The change will be made, when enough people make a significant gesture, this is why it is really important that many people attend the event in person. With our joint forces, we can prove that women have infinite possibilities.
We also encourage CEOs who cannot attend the event to share their commitment and with this input they can join this great initiative. The campaign is planned to be displayed online and offline, as well as on social media via our media partners aid.
Participants contribute to the cost of the campaign by paying a registration fee. The photo and company logo needs to be sent via email to HBLF Secretariat. In case of questions please contact Eniko Csík. Tel: +36305944876 /